Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Idea for a machine.

Any thoughts?


An audio reader/writer for 3.5" floppy disk. Records analog audio to floppy disk.
Parity is determined by speed of head and rotation. External (.125")/Internal speaker for playback, .125" input.
Variable speed and reverse options.
Flip floppy disk for 2 track playback.



are READ DATA/WRITE DATA simply direct output/input from/to the transduction head(s) or are they binary dependent?
same question but applied to everything (are inputs/outputs direct or binary dependent)?
can I get a display of drive speed for playback at correct speed and parity?
can arduino provide proper amplification for a speaker/output
what is the voltage range for heads?
how can i/can i link the head step and motor speed?
see below (section 5)


componentry want list for device

floppy drive
input and output ports (1/8 inch) [physical interruption to speaker from read data (pin 30) for output from amplifier (possible arduino internal audio amp?)]
forward/reverse toggle (physical toggle to arduino >> binary instruction to direction select: pin 18)
speed control (knob or wheel resistor to arduino >> correlated tandem control of head step: pin 20; and motor enable?: pin 10 or 16?)
record button (accept information from audio input amplified to proper level by arduino? >> write data:pin 22)
stop button (button to arduino >> binary instruction to disk change ready: pin 34)
eject button (floppy standard)
volume control (control of amp)
audio amplifier (arduino?)
battery to power arduino (which powers amp and floppy drive)?
read out of drive speed (can arduino get this from floppy drive?)


accessible functions

read data (pin 30)
write data (pin 22)
tandem head step/motor enable (pins 20 & 10 or 16)
direction select (pin 18)
disk change (pin 34)


inaccessible functions

density select (high) pin 2
drive select (set) pins 12 & 14
write enable (enabled) pin 24
write protect (off (defer to disk slider)) pin 28
head select (set) pin 32
?reserved? pins 4 & 6
?index? pin 8
?track 00? pin 26


Pin No. Signal Name Description
1 Ground --
2 /REDWC Density Select 1=Low/0=High
3 Ground --
4 N/C Reserved
5 Ground --
6 N/C Reserved
7 Ground --
8 /Index 0=Index
9 Ground --
10 /MOTEA 0=Motor Enable Drive 0
11 Ground --
12 /DRVSB Drive Select 1
13 Ground --
14 /DRVSB Drive Select 0
15 Ground --
16 /MOTEB 0=Motor Enable Drive 1
17 Ground --
18 /DIR 0=Direction Select
19 Ground --
20 /Step 0=Head Step
21 Ground --
22 /WDATE Write Data
23 Ground --
24 /WGATE Floppy Write Enable, 0=Write Gate
25 Ground --
26 /TRK00 0=Track 00
27 Ground --
28 /WPT 0=Write Protect
29 Ground --
30 /RDATA Read Data
31 Ground --
32 /SIDE1 0=Head Select
33 Ground --
34 /DSKCHG 1=Disk Change/0=Ready

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